Categories: App Dating
Developer: happn
Version: 12.15
Updated on: 2024-06-20

Happn is a location-based dating and social discovery application that connects users who have crossed paths in real life. By leveraging geolocation technology, Happn allows users to discover potential matches they've encountered in their daily lives, whether at a cafe, park, or on the street. It emphasizes serendipitous connections and aims to bring people together based on their shared experiences and proximity. With its unique approach to online dating, Happn offers a refreshing way for users to meet new people and build meaningful connections in their local environment.


Happn Dating app review

In today’s dynamic world, where moments often pass by unnoticed amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, Happn emerges as a transformative force, redefining the landscape of modern dating. With over 100 million users worldwide, Happn stands as a testament to the undeniable appeal of its unique approach to matchmaking.

Imagine this: every day, millions of individuals cross paths in bustling cities, bustling streets, and vibrant neighborhoods, each encounter holding the potential for something extraordinary. Happn harnesses the power of technology to capture these fleeting moments, turning them into meaningful connections. In fact, studies have shown that Happn users are three times more likely to engage in conversations compared to users on other dating apps, thanks to its innovative “Crush” feature that allows individuals to express their interests discreetly.

As we delve deeper into the world of Happn, we uncover a wealth of success stories that speak volumes about its efficacy. With over 1 million matches per month and a staggering 85% of users reporting positive experiences, Happn has earned its reputation as a catalyst for serendipitous encounters and lasting relationships.

How Happn Works: A Detailed Guide

Step 1: Set Up Happn Profile

Set Up Happn Profile

  • Download the Happn app from the App Store or Google Play Store and create an account.
  • Sign up using your email address or connect with your Facebook account for a seamless registration process.
  • Once logged in, you’ll be prompted to create your profile. Upload a selection of photos that represent you authentically and write a brief bio to introduce yourself to potential matches.

Step 2: Enable Location Services

Happn relies on real-time location tracking to connect users who cross paths in real life. Ensure that location services are enabled on your device to allow the app to track your movements.

Step 3: Explore Your Timeline

How to set Happn Profile

  • The Happn timeline is where you’ll discover profiles of people you’ve crossed paths with throughout the day.
  • Scroll through your timeline to see profiles of other Happn users who were in close proximity to you. Each profile includes photos, a brief bio, and information about when and where you crossed paths.

Step 4: Like Profiles

  • If you’re interested in someone you see in your timeline, you have the option to “like” their profile secretly.
  • Simply tap the heart icon on their profile to send a “like.” The other person will not be notified unless they also like your profile.

Step 5: Make a Connection

  • When two users both like each other’s profiles, it’s a match! Both users will receive a notification and can start chatting within the app.
  • Use the messaging feature to initiate conversation, get to know each other better, and plan a potential meetup.

Step 6: Manage Your Preferences

  • Happn offers a range of customizable settings and preferences to tailor your experience.
  • Adjust your discovery preferences to specify the age range, gender, and distance of potential matches.
  • Explore additional features such as “Charm” to send notifications to specific users and “CrushTime” to play a game and discover who has liked your profile.

Happn’s Crush Time

Upon receiving a notification indicating a user’s profile has been liked, Crush Time springs into action. Users are presented with a selection of four profiles, one of which belongs to their secret admirer. This interface prompts users to carefully assess each profile, contemplating the identity of their potential match.

The Benefits of Crush Time

The Benefits of Crush Time in Happn app

Crush Time offers multifaceted benefits, enriching the Happn experience:

  • Elevated Engagement: By infusing an element of playfulness, Crush Time captivates users, distinguishing Happn from traditional dating platforms.
  • Enhanced Connection Opportunities: The gamified nature of Crush Time cultivates anticipation and curiosity, encouraging users to actively participate in the matching process.
  • Boosted Confidence: The revelation of being liked instills confidence in users, fostering a sense of validation and prompting increased interaction within the app.
  • Promotion of Thoughtful Matching: Through deliberate profile examination, Crush Time encourages users to consider compatibility factors beyond superficial impressions, promoting more meaningful connections.

Guidance for Optimal Crush Time Experience

To maximize the benefits of Crush Time, users can adopt the following strategies:

  • Attentive Observation: Careful scrutiny of profile details enables users to make informed guesses, increasing the likelihood of successful matches.
  • Intuitive Decision-Making: Trusting one’s instincts can often lead to accurate identifications, facilitating seamless connections with potential matches.
  • Embracing Enjoyment: Emphasizing the enjoyable aspect of Crush Time transforms the matching process into a delightful experience, fostering positivity and excitement.

Happn’s Map

Happn’s Map

Embark on a captivating journey through your Happn timeline with the innovative Happn’s Map feature, offering a fresh perspective on your interactions in an engaging map format.

Understanding Happn Map

  1. Mapping Your Digital Footprint: Happn’s Map serves as a digital tapestry of your real-world encounters, spotlighting the locations where serendipitous connections have occurred within the past week.
  2. Interactive Exploration: Dive into Happn’s Map by simply tapping to enlarge it, revealing numbered markers representing each crossing. Zoom in to explore diverse locales and unravel the narrative behind each encounter.
  3. Unlocking Insights: Delve deeper into your interactions by tapping on a marker to unveil a preview screen showcasing profiles encountered at that specific location. Uncover shared interests and potential connections, igniting meaningful dialogues.
  4. Guarding Your Privacy: Happn’s Map prioritizes user privacy by safeguarding exact real-time locations, ensuring a secure browsing experience for all users.

Enhancing Your Experience:

  1. Maximizing Visibility: Optimize your presence on Happn’s Map by ensuring your crossing locations are shared:
    • Navigate to “Preferences” within your Happn account settings.
    • From “My Account,” toggle the option to “Share my crossing locations” based on your preferences.
  2. Fine-Tuning Your Settings: Strike a balance between visibility and privacy by customizing your preferences to suit your comfort level.

Expert Tips for Success:

  1. Strategic Exploration: Prioritize areas with high interaction density to maximize your chances of discovering potential matches.
  2. Contextual Engagement: Initiate conversations with matches based on shared geographical experiences, fostering genuine connections rooted in real-life encounters.
  3. Safety First: Exercise caution when arranging in-person meetings, prioritizing public spaces, and informing trusted individuals of your whereabouts.

Happn’s Map offers a transformative way to navigate your digital connections, inviting you to explore the stories behind your encounters. With its emphasis on privacy and user empowerment, Happn ensures a safe and enriching platform for forging authentic connections. So, embark on your journey with Happn’s Map, uncover the hidden gems of your timeline, and embark on a pathway to meaningful connection.

Audio Notes

Audio Notes of Happn

Audio Notes revolutionize your Happn experience by enabling you to send and receive voice messages effortlessly. With Audio Notes, you can:

  • Share your thoughts, feelings, and personality in your own voice, adding depth and authenticity to your conversations.
  • Connect on a deeper level with your matches by conveying emotions and nuances that text alone cannot capture.
  • Simply tap to record and send audio messages, making it easy to share spontaneous moments and experiences in real time.
  • Enjoy peace of mind with encrypted messages, ensuring that your audio exchanges remain private and secure.

Setting Up Your Photo on Happn

– Accessing Your Profile Settings:

You can navigate to your profile page by tapping on your profile icon or avatar typically located in the top left or top right corner of the screen. Once on your profile page, look for the “Profile Settings” or “Edit Profile” option. This is where you can manage your profile information, including adding or editing photos. Before adding photos, it’s recommended to ensure your profile is complete and accurately reflects your personality. This helps make a strong first impression and increases your chances of making meaningful connections.

– Uploading Photos:

Uploading Photos on Happn

  • Tap on the option to upload photos to your profile.
  • Select images from your gallery or camera roll.

Tip: Choose high-quality photos that clearly depict you and your interests. Aim to upload at least 6 photos instead of just 2-3 on your profile. Remember that having more photos increases your chances of making a positive impression and finding potential matches.

– Selecting Your Images:

  • Choose photos that showcase your personality, hobbies, and lifestyle.
  • Include a variety of photos to provide a well-rounded view of who you are.
  • Engaging with Others:
    • Use Happn’s Photo to engage with other users and express interest in potential matches.
    • Browse through others’ photos, appreciate shared moments, and initiate conversations.

Tip: Look for common interests or activities depicted in photos to spark conversation.

Happn: Free vs. Premium Features

– Free Features:

  • Create a profile with essential information such as photos, age, and a brief bio.
  • Access to browse other users’ profiles, view their photos, and read their bios.
  • Send likes to profiles they are interested in, indicating their interest.
  • Receive limited matches based on location and preferences.
  • Basic messaging functionality to communicate with mutual matches.

– Premium Features (with Subscription):

  • Access detailed analytics on profile interactions, including the number of likes received and profile visits.
  • Stand out by sending “Charms” to other users to get noticed and increase your chances of making a connection.
  • View the profiles of users who have liked you, allowing you to match instantly.
  • Set your availability to let others know when you’re free to meet.
  • Participate in Crush Time, a game to discover users who have recently crossed paths with you.

Happn offers various subscription options:

Happn's subscription

  • Weekly Subscription: Approximately $9.99/week.
  • Monthly Subscription: Approximately $24.99/month.
  • Yearly Subscription: Approximately $119.99/year.
  • Prices may vary based on your location and currency.
  • Users can choose a subscription plan that suits their preferences and budget.

While Happn provides essential features for free users, premium subscriptions offer additional functionalities such as advanced analytics, sending Charms, and seeing who liked you. Users can select a subscription plan based on their needs and budget to enhance their dating experience on Happn.

Review and Rating of Happn

– Design and Interface:

  • Happn’s interface is user-friendly and intuitive. I like how profiles are displayed in cards that I can easily swipe left or right to like or pass.
  • Features like “Crush” and “Hello” are designed in a simple and understandable way, making it easy for me to interact with other users.

– Connection Quality:

  • Happn’s location-based feature works quite well. I’ve come across many people I didn’t recognize before using this app.
  • However, there are sometimes delays in updating locations, causing some connections not to display accurately.

Personal Experience:

Happn has been a fascinating experience for me. Its unique ability to connect me with people I may have passed by unnoticed adds an intriguing dynamic to my dating life. The “Crush” feature stands out, making it effortless to express interest and start conversations with those who catch my eye. Despite occasional location update delays, Happn has provided me with ample opportunities to forge meaningful connections and expand my social circle. Overall, it’s been a satisfying journey, full of exciting possibilities and genuine interactions.

Happn or Tinder?

User Base
10M+ worldwide
50M+ worldwide
Profile Creation
Detailed profiles highlighting interests, hobbies, and lifestyle preferences
Brief profiles, emphasis on photos
Matching Algorithms
Real-life proximity for suggesting matches.
Basic swiping mechanism
Security Measures
Strong focus on user privacy.
Some reports of shallow interactions
Technical Glitches
Minimal reported technical issues, with regular updates for bug fixes
Facilitates spontaneous connections based on shared physical proximity
Casual dating and hookups
Pricing Packages
  • Standard: $24.99/month
  • Premium: $29.99/month
  • Premium Plus: $49.99/month
  • Tinder Plus: starting at $9.99/month
  • Tinder Gold: starting at $14.99/month
  • Tinder Platinum: starting at $32.99/month
User Ratings
  • App Store: 4.4/5
  • GG Play: 4.1/5
  • App Store: 3.8/5
  • GG Play: 3.5/5


Happn isn’t just another dating app; it’s a gateway to a world of potential connections. Remember, each ‘Crush’ could lead to meeting someone special, but it’s also an opportunity for self-discovery. Dare to step out and open your heart to new experiences. A spirit of openness and confidence is key to enjoying the journey of finding love on Happn. Lastly, cherish every connection, big or small, as they offer opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace each moment, and believe that love finds its way to those who dare to dream and take chances.


  1. How to certify your profile on Happn?

Step 1: Open the Happn app and go to your profile.

Step 2: Look for the “Certify your profile” option in your profile settings.

Step 3: Follow the prompts to take a clear selfie.

Step 4: Submit the selfie for review by Happn.

Step 5: Once approved, your profile will receive a verification badge, indicating its authenticity.

  1. Does Happn use real-time location tracking?

Happn does use real-time location tracking to some extent. However, it primarily relies on passive location tracking, meaning it records your location as you move and then matches you with other users who were in the same vicinity at the same time.

  1. How does Happn ensure user privacy with location data?

Happn employs various security measures to protect user privacy with location data. This includes using encryption techniques to secure data transmission and storage, as well as allowing users to control who can see their profile and location.

  1. What algorithms does Happn use to match users?

Happn uses a combination of proximity-based matching and user preferences to suggest potential matches. Its algorithms take into account factors like location, mutual interests, and profile preferences to recommend relevant profiles to users.

  1. How to increase match probability?
  • Optimize your profile by using high-quality photos and compelling descriptions. Update your profile regularly to keep it fresh and engaging.
  • Stay active, be online for at least 5 minutes every day to increase your visibility on the app.
  • Utilize the “Crush” feature flexibly and thoughtfully to express interest.
  • Participate in events or visit places with a high footfall to increase your chances of meeting and connecting with others.
  • Send messages and engage actively to make a lasting impression and boost your chances of matching.
  • Consider Premium Features (If Available): Explore premium features like “Charms” to stand out and attract attention.

Merry Taylor

Hello, I am Merry Taylor - a person who loves technology applications. I have been interested in dating apps for a long time because I find them magical when they can connect strangers with the same interests, the same religion or the same, not even the same country. I have delved deeper into the hottest and most popular dating apps today as well as discovered ways for you to easily enter a relationship, all of which I will share on this website. I hope my sharing will be useful to you. Thank you!

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