Categories: App Dating
Developer: Covalent Inc.
Version: 3.00.0
Updated on: 2024-06-18

Kippo is the dating app for gamers, connecting you with fellow enthusiasts who share your passion for gaming. Browse profiles, swipe right to connect, and start chatting with potential matches. Show off your gaming skills and interests on your profile, and explore the Kippoverse, an interactive virtual world where you can hang out with friends, play games, and make new connections. Kippo is committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all gamers. Join Kippo today and find your perfect match.


Welcome to Kippo, the premier dating app designed by gamers, for gamers. Founded by gamers David Park and Cheeyoon Lee in 2019, Kippo was born out of a shared vision to create a platform where gamers could connect on a deeper level beyond the screen.

In an increasingly digital world, finding meaningful connections can be daunting. Kippo aims to change that narrative by providing a space where individuals can bond over their shared love for gaming. Whether you’re a fan of MMORPGs, strategy games, or classic retro titles, Kippo celebrates all facets of gaming culture.

With Kippo, users can create detailed profiles that highlight their gaming preferences, interests, and personality traits. This allows for more authentic connections based on shared passions and hobbies. Moreover, Kippo’s innovative matchmaking algorithm considers factors such as gaming compatibility and personality traits to suggest compatible matches.

What sets Kippo apart is its integration of gaming elements into the dating experience. From discussing favorite game strategies to challenging potential matches to a friendly game, Kippo fosters a dynamic and interactive environment where users can connect and engage in meaningful conversations.

Joining Kippo means joining a vibrant community of gamers who are passionate about gaming and open to building genuine relationships. Whether you’re looking for a gaming buddy, a romantic partner, or simply someone to share your love for gaming, Kippo offers a welcoming space for gamers of all backgrounds.

Key Features of Kippo

1. Detailed Profiles

Key Features of Kippo

  • Personal Information: Users can input their personal details such as name, age, gender, and location to create their profile.
  • Gaming Preferences: Users can specify their gaming preferences, including favorite games, preferred gaming platforms (PC, console, mobile), and preferred gaming genres (action, adventure, strategy, etc.).
  • Gaming Achievements: Users can showcase their gaming achievements, such as high scores, completed levels, or rare in-game items they’ve obtained.
  • Gaming History: Users can provide information about their gaming history, including how long they’ve been gaming, their first gaming console or game, and any memorable gaming experiences.
  • Gaming Habits: Users can share their gaming habits, such as how often they play games, their preferred time of day for gaming sessions, and whether they prefer single-player or multiplayer games.
  • Gaming Community Involvement: Users can indicate their involvement in the gaming community, such as participation in gaming forums, online communities, or gaming events.
  • Other Interests: In addition to gaming, users can also include information about their other interests and hobbies, allowing them to connect with others who share similar passions.
  • Photos and Bios: Users can upload photos of themselves and write a bio to provide additional context about their personality, interests, and what they’re looking for in a potential match.
  • Privacy Settings: Kippo offers privacy settings that allow users to control who can view their profile and contact them, ensuring a comfortable and secure experience.

Tips: When crafting your profile on Kippo, make sure to highlight your favorite games and gaming habits, as this can spark conversations and connections with like-minded individuals. However, don’t be afraid to be open-minded and explore different gaming preferences beyond your own. Embracing diverse gaming interests can lead to unexpected connections and enriching experiences within the gaming community.

2. Gaming Compatibility Matching

Kippo dating app review

Kippo’s matchmaking algorithm analyzes users’ gaming preferences and behaviors to suggest compatible matches. It takes into account factors such as favorite games, gaming platforms, play styles, and gaming goals. By prioritizing gaming compatibility, Kippo aims to connect users who are likely to enjoy gaming together and share meaningful experiences. This enhances the quality of matches and increases the chances of forming lasting connections.

3. Interactive Conversations

Kippo dating app

Kippo’s Interactive Conversations feature receives high praise from users for its ability to facilitate meaningful connections within the gaming community. Users appreciate the opportunity to engage in conversations that align with their interests, resulting in more genuine and enjoyable interactions. The focus on gaming topics not only makes conversations more engaging but also serves as an icebreaker for users who may be shy or hesitant to initiate contact. Overall, Interactive Conversations add value to the Kippo experience by fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared passion among users.

– Guide for Users:

  • Initiate Gaming-Related Topics: When starting a conversation on Kippo, consider initiating topics related to gaming, such as favorite games, recent gaming achievements, or upcoming game releases. This can help break the ice and create a connection based on shared interests.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage conversation by asking open-ended questions that invite detailed responses. For example, instead of asking “Do you play video games?”, try asking “What’s your all-time favorite video game and why?” This encourages users to share more about themselves and their gaming preferences.
  • Be Active and Engaging: Stay active on the app and respond promptly to messages to keep the conversation flowing. Share your own gaming experiences, insights, and opinions to contribute to the conversation and show genuine interest in getting to know your match.
  • Respect Boundaries: While gaming can be a passionate topic, remember to respect your match’s boundaries and preferences. Avoid overly competitive or contentious discussions, and be mindful of differing opinions and gaming tastes.

4. Gaming-Inspired Activities of Kippo

  • Virtual Gifts and Rewards: Kippo offers virtual gifts themed around popular games or gaming culture, allowing users to send personalized tokens of appreciation to their matches.
  • Shared Gaming Experiences: Users can engage in shared gaming activities within the app, such as playing multiplayer games or collaborating on gaming challenges, fostering deeper connections through shared experiences.
  • Gaming-Themed Events and Challenges: Kippo organizes events and challenges, including tournaments, trivia nights, and gaming marathons, providing opportunities for users to showcase their skills and connect with others in the community.

Pros and Cons

Community of gamers
Limited user base
Authentic connections through gaming
Gaming-centric focus
Detailed gaming profiles
Learning curve
Interactive user experience
Potential for toxicity
Safety measures

In summary, Kippo offers a unique platform for gamers to connect and form authentic relationships, but it may have limitations in terms of user base and appeal to non-gamers.

Tips for Using Kippo

1. Security and Safety:

  • Protect your personal information: Consider carefully before sharing sensitive information such as your address, phone number, or banking details on Kippo. Keep your personal information private and only share when you fully trust your match.
  • Use anonymous features: If you prefer to keep your identity private, utilize Kippo’s anonymous features to interact with users without revealing too much personal information.

2. Creating an Attractive Profile:

Creating an Attractive Profile Kippo

  • Use high-quality photos: Choose clear and high-resolution photos to represent yourself on your Kippo profile.
  • Craft an interesting description: Write a short but creative description about your hobbies, personality, and aspirations to attract attention from others.

3. Engage Positively:

  • Start with a friendly greeting: When initiating a conversation, send a polite and friendly message to create a positive impression.
  • Be willing to share interests: Open up and share your interests and favorite games to create common ground and stimulate conversation.

4. Stay Active and Responsive:

  • Check your messages regularly: Be proactive in checking and responding to messages from potential matches to maintain engagement and momentum.
  • Show genuine interest: Take the time to ask questions and show genuine interest in your match’s interests and experiences to foster connection.

Kippo Pricing

Kippo offers both free and premium subscription options for users. Here’s a breakdown of the pricing details:

– Free Version:

The free version of Kippo allows users to sign up and create a profile, browse other profiles, and send a limited number of messages each day. It offers basic features to get started on the app without any cost.

– Premium Subscription:

Premium Subscription of Kippo

  • Kippo offers a premium subscription option for users who want access to additional features and benefits. The pricing for the premium subscription varies depending on the duration of the subscription plan:
  • Monthly Plan: $9.99/month
  • Quarterly Plan: $18.5 ($6.1/month)
  • Annual Plan: $56 ($4.66/month)
  • Premium subscribers enjoy benefits such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and access to exclusive events and promotions.

– VIP Membership:

  • In addition to the premium subscription, Kippo also offers a VIP membership for users who want an enhanced experience on the app. The VIP membership includes all the benefits of the premium subscription, plus additional perks such as priority customer support and enhanced profile visibility.
  • The pricing for the VIP membership is $14.99/month.

Compared to popular dating apps like Tinder or Plenty of Fish (POF), Kippo’s pricing tends to be slightly higher, especially for its premium and VIP subscription options. While Tinder and POF offer free versions with limited features and optional paid upgrades, Kippo’s emphasis on gaming and community may justify the higher price point for users seeking a niche dating experience within the gaming community. Ultimately, the decision between Kippo and other apps depends on individual preferences and the value users place on features and community engagement.

Kippo, Tinder, and POF

Plenty of Fish (POF)
User Base
Growing user base with a focus on gamers and geeks.
Large and diverse user base worldwide
Substantial user base, popular among younger demographics
Matching Algorithm
Tailored algorithms matching users based on gaming preferences and compatibility.
Comprehensive algorithm considering interests, preferences, behavior
Primarily swiping mechanism based on user profile photos
Interface and Features
Feature-rich platform with gaming-themed interface and interactive features.
Feature-rich platform with profile customization, messaging, advanced search filters
Simple interface focused on quick swiping, minimal profile info
Safety and Security
Robust safety measures with account verification and moderation.
Profile verification, reporting mechanisms
Photo verification, integration with personal safety apps
Success Stories
Facilitates connections among gamers, fostering relationships and friendships.
Facilitates meaningful connections, numerous success stories
Known for casual dating culture, also leads to long-term relationships
  • Monthly Plan: $9.99/month
  • Quarterly Plan: $18.5 ($6.1/month)
  • Annual Plan: $56 ($4.66/month)
  • VIP: $14.99/month
  • Premium plans: $7.50 - $12.50 per month (depending on subscription length)
  • Tinder Plus: $9.99 - $19.99 per month
  • Tinder Gold: $14.99 - $29.99 per month (pricing varies based on age and location)
User Ratings
  • App Store: 4.2/5 based on 5,000+ reviews.
  • Google Play: 4.0/5 based on 10,000+ reviews.
  • App Store: 4.2/5 based on 500,000+ reviews
  • Google Play: 4.0/5 based on 400,000+ reviews
  • App Store: 3.8/5 based on 600,000+ reviews
  • Google Play: 3.5/5 based on 700,000+ reviews
Target Audience
Gamers and geeks seeking connections with shared interests.
Singles seeking various types of relationships, diverse age groups
Primarily younger demographics, casual dating culture


In conclusion, dating apps have evolved to cater to diverse preferences and interests, providing users with a plethora of options to find meaningful connections. From mainstream platforms like Tinder and Bumble to niche apps like Kippo and BLK, each offers unique features tailored to specific demographics. Whether you’re a gamer, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, or simply seeking companionship, there’s an app designed to meet your needs. With robust security measures, advanced matching algorithms, and user-friendly interfaces, these apps empower individuals to navigate the dating scene with confidence. As technology continues to advance, the landscape of online dating will undoubtedly evolve, but one thing remains constant: the desire for human connection.

Merry Taylor

Hello, I am Merry Taylor - a person who loves technology applications. I have been interested in dating apps for a long time because I find them magical when they can connect strangers with the same interests, the same religion or the same, not even the same country. I have delved deeper into the hottest and most popular dating apps today as well as discovered ways for you to easily enter a relationship, all of which I will share on this website. I hope my sharing will be useful to you. Thank you!

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