Similar to The Sims, Learn The Heart allows players to explore the world of love and relationships. You will have to deal with situations to guide your emotional development.

About Learn The Heart

Learn The Heart is a dating sim RPG by Beepbopdubi that allows players to make meaningful connections with in-game characters by unlocking and completing quests as well as puzzles. The game will test your sensitivity and emotional intelligence as you make decisions while interacting with the characters.
About Learn The Heart- Learn The Heart
Another feature of Learn The Heart is simple yet cute images as well as attractive music.

The gameplay

In Learn The Heart, you will play the role of a man who has been fired from their mundane job and returns to their hometown. Here, your mission is to make new acquaintances and form relationships with the characters you meet.
The gameplay- Learn The Heart
Players will engage in conversation and complete tasks to build trust and deepen connections with others. As players progress, they will unlock new locations, discover secrets about the characters and the town, and ultimately work to build a new life for themselves. In addition to various mini games and activities, you can also give your partner gifts as part of the game. In total, the game has 59 locations, so players can have hours of fun playing it.
The gameplay- Learn The Heart


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Free to play
  • Various mini games and quizzes
  • Each character has a unique story
  • H mode, in which players can change the speed, points and camera angles, and the clarity of male characters.
Highlights- Learn The Heart

How to download Learn The Heart APK

Learn The Heart is not available on Google Play Store and App Store, but you can access its website or click here to download the game for your Android and iOS device.

Final words

The above is some information about Learn The Heart. If you like this game genre, download and try it now!


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