Categories: App Edit Photo
Developer: Lunapic
Size: 0
Version: 1.0
Updated on: 2024-06-25

Lunapic is a free and user-friendly online photo editor. Great for quick edits, filters, and collages. Learn more about Lunapic, its features, and who it's best for! 

Lunapic: Free Online Photo Editor for Casual Edits & Fun Effects

History and Development of Lunapic Photo Editor

Due to the lack of publicly available information about Lunapic’s development process, it is challenging to trace its detailed history and development. However, based on existing resources and data, we can outline some key points about Lunapic’s journey:



Early Stage (late 1990s – early 2000s)

  • Origin: Lunapic is believed to have launched in the late 1990s or early 2000s. However, the exact launch date and original developer remain unclear.
  • Development Goals: The initial aim of Lunapic might have been to provide a user-friendly online tool for basic photo editing, applying effects, and creating collages for casual users.
  • Characteristics: Lunapic’s interface during this period likely had a simple design style, aligned with web trends of the time. Features primarily focused on basic photo editing, filters, and collage tools.

Development Stage (2000s – present)

  • Improvements and Updates: Lunapic continued to be developed and improved over time, adding new features and enhancing performance.
  • Expanding User Base: Lunapic attracted a growing user base, becoming a popular online photo editing app for various audiences.
  • Competition: The emergence of other online photo editing apps like Photopea, Pixlr, and Fotor brought competition to Lunapic, encouraging further development and innovation.

Present Day

  • Position: Lunapic maintains its position as a free and easy-to-use online photo editing app, favored by many users.
  • Features: While not boasting as many advanced features as some other photo editing apps, Lunapic still provides essential tools to meet users’ basic photo editing needs.
  • Community: Lunapic has a relatively active online user community where users can share experiences and support each other.

Why is LunaPic unique?

Lunapic holds a unique position in the world of online photo editing due to several factors:

  • Focus on Simplicity: Unlike some feature-heavy online editors, Lunapic prioritizes a clean and straightforward interface. This makes it easy to learn and use for beginners or casual users who just want to make quick edits or add fun effects.
  • Free and Open-Source: In contrast to many professional editing programs, Lunapic is completely free to use. There are no subscriptions or hidden costs. Additionally, its open-source nature fosters a passionate developer community that contributes to its ongoing improvement.
  • Surprising Feature Depth: Despite being free, Lunapic offers a surprisingly robust set of features. This includes a broad variety of brushes that mimic traditional media (watercolors, pencils), advanced brush customization options, vector graphics support, and non-destructive editing capabilities (allowing you to revert changes).
  • Niche Appeal for Specific Needs: While not intended to replace high-end editing software, Lunapic excels in specific areas.  For instance, the “Magic Wand” tool allows for quick and easy background removal, which can be valuable for creating PNGs with transparent backgrounds. 
  • Lightweight and Accessible: Lunapic is a web-based tool, so it doesn’t require downloading or installation. This makes it accessible from any computer with an internet connection, allowing users to edit on the go without worrying about software compatibility issues.


However, it’s important to consider Lunapic’s limitations as well:

  • Limited Advanced Features:  If you need professional-grade editing with intricate tools and layer management, Lunapic might not be the most suitable choice.
  • Dated Interface: The interface might appear somewhat outdated compared to more modern editing platforms.
  • Potential Quality Loss: When saving edited images, there’s a slight chance of a minor quality reduction compared to saving from high-end software.


Overall, Lunapic’s unique blend of user-friendliness, surprising feature depth, and free accessibility makes it a valuable tool for casual users, beginners, and those who need specific editing tasks like background removal or quick touch-ups. 

User experience with Lunapic

Review from users

Positive reviews

Lunapic is fantastic for beginners or anyone who wants to do some quick photo edits. The interface is straightforward to navigate, and I can get the job done without getting bogged down in complicated menus.

I wouldn’t have expected this many features from a free online editor! Lunapic has a great selection of tools for basic editing, filters, and even some vector graphics editing. It’s perfect for creating fun collages and adding effects to my photos.

Negative reviews

If you’re a professional editor, Lunapic won’t be enough. It lacks the advanced tools and precise layer control needed for high-end photo manipulation.

I noticed a slight decrease in image quality when saving edited photos from Lunapic. It’s not a huge deal for casual use, but it’s something to consider for important photos

Overall, Lunapic offers a user-friendly and surprisingly feature-rich experience for casual users and beginners. However, professional editors or those needing advanced functionalities might find its limitations restrictive.  Consider your editing needs to determine if Lunapic fits you best.



My Experience with Lunapic: A Delightful Surprise for Quick Photo Edits

As a user of Lunapic, I have found several positive aspects of the app. The variety of editing tools available is impressive, allowing me to easily enhance and manipulate my photos. I particularly appreciate the wide range of filters and effects that can be applied to make my pictures more visually appealing. The user interface is also intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for me to navigate and use all the features effectively.

However, there are also some drawbacks to the app. One of the main issues I have encountered is the occasional lag or delay when applying certain edits or effects, which can be frustrating at times. Additionally, while the free version of the app offers a lot of useful features, some advanced tools are only available with the paid version.

Overall, my impression of Lunapic is positive. Despite some minor issues, I have found it to be a valuable tool for editing and enhancing my photos. The app has helped me to create stunning visuals and express my creativity in new and exciting ways.

I recommend Lunapic to others who are looking for a comprehensive photo editing app. Its diverse range of editing tools, user-friendly interface, and impressive results make it a great choice for both amateur and professional photographers.

Instruction for using Lunapic

Lunapic is a free and user-friendly online photo editor that lets you edit photos, create collages, add effects, and more, all without downloading any software. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

1. Uploading Your Photos

  • Head over to the Lunapic website
  • Click the “Upload” button on the homepage. You can choose a photo from your computer’s files.
  • Alternatively, you can use the “Quick Upload” option (Ctrl+O) to upload your photo directly from your clipboard.

2. Exploring the Editing Tools

Once your photo is uploaded, you’ll see a toolbar at the top with various editing options. Let’s explore some popular ones:

  • Basic Edits: Crop, resize, rotate, and adjust the brightness, contrast, and saturation of your photo.
  • Filters & Effects: Apply artistic filters like black and white, pop art, lomo, and more to transform your photo’s look.
  • Drawing & Text: Add text, lines, shapes, and even draw directly on your photo for a personalized touch.
  • Resize & Collages: Resize your photo for specific needs or create fun collages by combining multiple photos.

Tip: Hover your mouse over any tool icon to see a brief description of its function.

3. Applying Edits and Effects

  • Click on the desired editing tool from the toolbar.
  • You’ll see adjustment options specific to that tool. For example, when you select “Crop,” you can define the area you want to keep in the photo.
  • Experiment with the different settings and preview the changes before applying them permanently.

4. Saving Your Edited Photo

  • Once you’re happy with the edits, click the “Save” button at the top.
  • Choose a filename and desired format (JPEG, PNG, etc.) for your edited photo.
  • Click “Save” again, and your edited photo will be downloaded to your computer.

Bonus Tips

  • Lunapic offers a helpful “Undo” button if you make a mistake and want to revert to a previous step.
  • Explore the “Help & Examples” section on the Lunapic website for tutorials, tips, and examples to inspire your photo editing journey.

Remember: Lunapic is a great tool for casual photo editing and quick creative tweaks. While it may not offer the advanced features of professional software, it’s a fantastic option for beginners and anyone who wants to edit photos on the go without any downloads or subscriptions.


So, fire up Lunapic, unleash your creativity, and have fun editing your photos! 

Lunapic, Prisma, or Fotor?

Comparison Table 

Free (basic), Premium (subscriptions)
Free (basic), Premium (subscriptions)
Editing tool
Basic editing (crop, resize, rotate), adjustments, filters & effects, text & drawing tools
Artistic filters, some basic editing tools
Extensive editing tools (crop, resize, rotate, adjustments, selection tools, brushes, layers), text & shapes, HDR, photo stitching
Photo Filters
Limited selection of basic filters & effects
A wide variety of artistic and trendy filters
Large collection of artistic filters, customizable filter effects
Simple and user-friendly
Modern and visually appealing
Modern and intuitive
Runs well on most devices
May experience lag with complex filters (depends on the device)
Generally, good performance may slow down with complex edits on older devices
Supported Formats
JPEG, PNG, GIF (limited export options)
JPEG, PNG (more export options with premium)
JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF (more export options with premium)
Operating System
Web-based (works on any device with a web browser)
Mobile app (iOS, Android)
Web-based and mobile apps (iOS, Android)
Active online community forums (unofficial)
Primarily focused on in-app tutorials and user showcases
Active online community forum and social media presence
Customer Support
Limited customer support (primarily relies on FAQs and user forums)
Limited customer support (primarily through in-app help and FAQs)
Dedicated customer support through email and online form


Whether you’re a casual photo editor looking for quick touch-ups or a creative mind wanting to add a playful twist to your pictures, Lunapic offers a delightful surprise. With its ease of use, free access, and decent feature set, Lunapic is a great tool to unleash your inner photo editor and have fun experimenting!


Rose Rubyjane

Hello! I'm a person who is always curious and enjoys exploring new things. From the colorful world of online gaming to the mysterious places in real life, I am always eager to learn and experience. Playing games is not just a hobby, but a gateway to captivating stories and exciting challenges. In real life, I always want to explore new cultures, gain insightful knowledge, and discover unique perspectives. Life is a journey full of surprises, and I always want to capture every amazing moment of it!

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