Facetune AI Photo/Video Editor
Categories: App Edit Photo
Developer: Lightricks Ltd.
Size: 554.5 MB
Version: 3.58.1
Updated on: 2024-06-19

Facetune has become a go-to app for anyone who wants to enhance their selfies and present their best selves on social media. This guide explores Facetune's strengths and user experience, as well as offers tips to get you started on your selfie-editing journey.

Facetune: Your Pocket-Sized Secret to Flawless Selfies

The Origin of Facetune: From Selfie Sharing to Flawless Portraits

The rise of social media in the early 2010s wasn’t just about connecting with friends; it fueled a new phenomenon: selfie culture. Sharing our lives through self-portraits became a norm, but the desire to present our best selves online led to a demand for user-friendly photo editing tools. This is where Facetune, a name synonymous with selfie touch-ups, entered the scene.

Lightricks: Filling the Gap for Mobile Photo Editing

Lightricks, the company behind Facetune, saw a gap in the market. Powerful photo editing software existed, but it was often complex and geared towards professional photographers. The average smartphone user, armed with a front-facing camera and a yearning for flawless selfies, lacked accessible tools. Facetune emerged in 2013 as the answer – a user-friendly mobile app designed specifically for enhancing selfies and portraits. 

The Power of Specialization: Focus on Facial Enhancement

Facetune didn’t try to be a one-size-fits-all editing app. Its focus was laser-sharp – addressing the specific needs of portrait editing. Unlike generic photo editors, Facetune offers a suite of specialized tools tailored for facial features. Blemishes? Gone with a tap. Uneven smile? A quick adjustment brings a natural-looking whitening to your teeth. Facial reshaping features allowed for subtle tweaks, empowering users to achieve a more polished and confident look.

Simplicity Wins: Real-Time Editing and Intuitive Design

Facetune’s success wasn’t just about its specialized features. It prioritized user experience with a clean and intuitive interface. Unlike software with a steep learning curve, Facetune was designed for anyone to pick up and use. The real-time editing was a game-changer, allowing users to see the adjustments as they were made, ensuring precise control over the final result. Transforming an ordinary selfie into a picture-perfect portrait became a matter of a few taps and swipes.

A Pioneering Force: Shaping the Mobile Editing Landscape

Facetune’s impact transcended its success. It became a pioneer in the mobile photo editing space, establishing the concept of user-friendly, on-the-go editing specifically focused on facial enhancement. Its popularity paved the way for a wave of similar apps, all catering to the growing demand for flawless selfies on social media. Facetune carved a niche for itself in the ever-evolving mobile app landscape, forever changing how we present ourselves in the digital world.

Beyond the App: A Legacy of Empowerment

The story of Facetune is more than just the creation of a popular app. It reflects a broader cultural shift – the democratization of image editing and the growing desire for self-expression through digital self-portraits. While the conversation surrounding beauty standards and the potential drawbacks of excessive editing continues, Facetune’s legacy lies in empowering users to present themselves with confidence and creativity in the age of social media. 

Why Facetune is unique

Facetune stands out from the crowd of photo editing apps for several key reasons:



  • Specialized Focus on Facial Enhancement: Unlike generic photo editors that handle landscapes and objects, Facetune is laser-focused on facial features. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools specifically designed for portrait editing, catering directly to the needs of selfie enthusiasts. From blemish removal and teeth whitening to subtle facial reshaping, Facetune addresses the most common concerns users have with their selfies.
  • User-Friendly Interface and Real-Time Editing: Facetune boasts an intuitive and easy-to-use interface that makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of their editing experience. Unlike complex software with a steep learning curve, Facetune allows users to jump right in and start editing. Real-time editing is another game-changer. Users can see the adjustments happening as they make them, ensuring precise control over the final look and avoiding over-editing.
  • Effortless Transformation: Facetune empowers users to achieve a polished and flawless look in their selfies with minimal effort. A few taps and swipes can transform an ordinary portrait into a picture-perfect image. This ease of use is particularly appealing in today’s fast-paced world where quick edits and instant sharing are the norm.
  • Pioneering the Mobile Editing Space: Facetune was a true pioneer in the mobile photo editing space. It established the concept of user-friendly, on-the-go editing specifically focused on facial enhancement. Its success paved the way for a wave of similar apps, shaping the way people edit and present themselves on social media. 
  • More Than Just Editing – A Tool for Self-Expression: While some may criticize the potential for unrealistic beauty standards, Facetune can also be seen as a tool for self-expression. It allows users to present themselves confidently and creatively in the digital age.  



Facetune’s specialization, user-friendliness, and transformative power have undoubtedly revolutionized mobile photo editing. It empowers users to express themselves creatively and present themselves confidently online. However, like any powerful tool, Facetune has its drawbacks that warrant consideration:


  • Unrealistic Beauty Standards: The ease of achieving a flawless look with Facetune can contribute to unrealistic beauty standards on social media. The constant exposure to heavily edited photos can distort perceptions of natural beauty and create feelings of inadequacy.


  • Over-Editing and Loss of Authenticity: The ability to make subtle adjustments can quickly turn into excessive editing, blurring the lines between reality and the digital persona. This can lead to a loss of authenticity and individuality in self-portraits.


  • Impact on Self-Esteem: The pressure to present a “perfect” image online can negatively impact self-esteem, particularly for young users who are still developing their body image.


Finding the Balance: Responsible Editing and Self-Acceptance

While Facetune can be a fun and empowering tool, it’s crucial to use it responsibly. Here are some tips for mindful editing:


  • Focus on enhancing natural beauty, not creating an entirely new image.
  • Embrace imperfections and celebrate individuality.
  • Promote realistic beauty standards and challenge unrealistic portrayals on social media.



Ultimately, Facetune offers a powerful tool for self-expression in the digital age. By acknowledging its potential pitfalls and promoting responsible editing, users can leverage its benefits while maintaining a healthy relationship with self-image.

User experience with Facetune

Review from users

App Store
Google Store
Average rating
Number of review
5.2 million
1 million
Positive reviews
Negative reviews

My experience with Facetune

The good: Using the Facetune app has definitely improved the overall quality of my photos. I appreciate the variety of editing tools available, such as smoothing out skin, whitening teeth, and enhancing features like eyes and hair. The app gives me the ability to create polished and professional-looking images that I am proud to share on social media. It has helped me boost my confidence and present myself in the best light possible in photos.


The not-so-good: However, there are some downsides to using Facetune as well. It can be easy to get carried away with editing and end up with an unrealistic version of myself in photos. Sometimes I find myself spending too much time perfecting minor details, which can be time-consuming and detract from the fun of photo editing. It’s important to use Facetune in moderation and remember that natural beauty is just as, if not more, attractive as heavily edited perfection.


Overall impression: My overall impression of Facetune is positive. I find the app user-friendly and enjoy the creative possibilities it offers for enhancing my photos. It has become a valuable tool in my photo editing arsenal, helping me achieve the look I desire in an easy and efficient way. While there are some drawbacks to using the app, I believe that with mindful use, Facetune can be a fun and useful tool for anyone looking to improve their photos.


Would I recommend it: Yes, I would recommend Facetune to others who are looking to enhance their photos and present themselves in the best light. It’s a great app for editing selfies, portraits, and other images, offering a wide range of editing features that cater to different preferences. However, I would also advise using the app responsibly and embracing natural beauty alongside the enhancements Facetune provides. Overall, it’s a handy tool for perfecting photos and boosting confidence in your digital presence.

Instruction for using Facetune

Facetune has become a go-to app for achieving flawless selfies and enhancing portrait photos. But with all its tools, navigating the app for the first time can feel overwhelming. Fear not! This guide will walk you through the basics of using Facetune to get you started on your selfie-editing journey.


Step 1: Download and Launch Facetune

  • Download the Facetune app from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android).
  • Launch the app and familiarize yourself with the interface. The bottom menu holds the editing tools, while the top menu provides options for managing photos and accessing settings.

Step 2: Import Your Photo

  • Tap the “+” icon or the “Open Photo” button to import the selfie you want to edit.
  • You can also choose a photo from your device’s gallery by tapping the image thumbnail.

Step 3: Exploring the Flawless Toolbox

  • Smoother: This tool helps blur imperfections like blemishes, wrinkles, or shine on your skin. Use a light touch and zoom in for more precise editing.
  • Whiten: Brighten your teeth or whites of your eyes for a more radiant look. Adjust the slider to achieve the desired level of whitening.
  • Reshape: This allows for subtle adjustments to facial features like jawline, nose, or chin. Use this tool cautiously to maintain a natural appearance.

Step 4: Unveiling More Tools 

  • Facetune offers additional tools depending on the version you’re using (free or paid). 
  • Explore features like:
  • Details: Sharpen facial features like eyes and lips for added definition.
  • Clone: Copy and paste elements from one area of your photo to another, useful for removing unwanted blemishes.
  • Background Blur: Add a subtle blur to the background of your selfie, drawing focus to your face.

Step 5: Real-Time Editing Power

The beauty of Facetune lies in its real-time editing. As you adjust the sliders or use the tools, you’ll see the changes reflected in your photo instantly. This allows for precise control and prevents over-editing.

Step 6: Saving Your Masterpiece

  • Once you’re happy with your edits, tap the checkmark icon on the top right corner.
  • Choose to save the edited photo or overwrite the original (depending on your preference).


Bonus Tip: Practice Makes Perfect!

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Start with subtle adjustments and gradually explore the different tools Facetune offers. Remember, the goal is to enhance your natural beauty, not create an entirely different image.


With a little practice, you’ll master the art of selfie editing with Facetune and unveil your most confident and photogenic self!

Facetune, Lensa, or Adobe Photoshop Express

Comparison Table 

Adobe Photoshop Express
Editting Tool
Advanced tools
Basic tools
Intermediate tool
Photo Filters
Supported Formats
Operating System
iOS, Android
iOS, Android
iOS, Android
Customer Support
Email, FAQs
Email, FAQs
Email, FAQs

Facetune, Lensa, and Adobe Photoshop Express are three popular photo editing apps that cater to different needs and preferences. Let’s delve into a detailed comparison of these apps based on various factors:


Editing Tools

  • Facetune: Facetune offers advanced editing tools that allow users to retouch portraits with precision. It includes features like teeth whitening, skin smoothing, and reshaping tools.
  • Lensa: Lensa provides basic editing tools suitable for quick enhancements such as adjusting brightness, and contrast, and applying basic filters.
  • Adobe Photoshop Express: This app offers a range of intermediate editing tools including cropping, rotating, exposure adjustments, and filters.


Photo Filters

  • Facetune: Facetune boasts an extensive collection of photo filters and effects to enhance images creatively.
  • Lensa: Lensa has a limited selection of filters compared to Facetune and Adobe Photoshop Express.
  • Adobe Photoshop Express: Adobe Photoshop Express provides an extensive array of filters and effects to cater to various editing styles and preferences.



Facetune, Lensa, and Adobe Photoshop Express feature user-friendly interfaces that make navigation and editing tasks intuitive and accessible to users of all skill levels.



All three apps offer smooth performance, ensuring that editing tasks are executed efficiently without lags or delays.


Supported Formats

Facetune, Lensa, and Adobe Photoshop Express support common image formats such as JPEG and PNG, making it convenient for users to work with different file types.


Operating System

Facetune, Lensa, and Adobe Photoshop Express are compatible with iOS and Android devices, allowing users to edit photos on their preferred mobile platform.



  • Facetune and Adobe Photoshop Express have large user communities, enabling users to share their edited photos, tips, and tricks with fellow enthusiasts.
  • Lensa, while having a smaller community, still provides a platform for users to engage and interact with like-minded individuals.


Customer Support

All three apps offer customer support through email and FAQs, ensuring that users can seek assistance and resolve any queries they may have while using the app.


In conclusion, the choice between Facetune, Lensa, and Adobe Photoshop Express ultimately depends on the user’s editing needs, preferences, and level of expertise. Each app offers unique features and capabilities that cater to a diverse range of editing requirements, making them valuable tools for enhancing and transforming photos.


Facetune has revolutionized the way we edit selfies and present ourselves in the digital age. While responsible editing is key to maintaining a healthy relationship with self-image, Facetune empowers users to express their confidence and creativity through flawless portraits. Whether you’re a seasoned selfie enthusiast or just starting, Facetune’s user-friendly interface and powerful editing tools make it a valuable addition to your mobile app collection. So, download Facetune today and unleash your inner photo editing pro!

Rose Rubyjane

Hello! I'm a person who is always curious and enjoys exploring new things. From the colorful world of online gaming to the mysterious places in real life, I am always eager to learn and experience. Playing games is not just a hobby, but a gateway to captivating stories and exciting challenges. In real life, I always want to explore new cultures, gain insightful knowledge, and discover unique perspectives. Life is a journey full of surprises, and I always want to capture every amazing moment of it!

User Reviews

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3 user reviews
Facetune is a must-have for anyone who wants to look their best in photos. ??
I highly recommend Facetune to anyone who wants to take their selfies to the next level! ??
I love how Facetune can even make your photos look more professional. ??