Gravity, the game developer from the land of Kimchi, officially opened to register for the game “Ragnarok M: Eternal Love” in Southeast Asia.
This is one of the most popular game genres in China and Korea, MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game). It has the ability to do most of the things that the PC version has done in the past. This is an extremely attractive point for Ragnarok M players.
The highlights of the Ragnarok M APK
– A huge class of characters.
– Diversity in gameplay.
– There are many factions such as witches, priests, assassins, hunters, blacksmiths, knights, etc. to match the needs of the player.
– The open-map mechanism helps to move freely.
– Ability to cancel quests, diverse quests, not confined.
How to download Ragnarok M APK
The game is available on Android and iOS. Just click on the link above the article and download it. When finished, install as normal and experience the game!
The instructions on how to complete the task
Learn how to cook
Go to the castle at Prontera in the 12-hour direction. Turn left to go upstairs. Talk to NPC Pizza. Use Chef’s Eagle Eye. Hit Rocker for meat. Go back to Pizza to report the completed mission and get the new one. Beat Lunatic for meat. Return to Prontera to meet Pizza and learn cooking skills.
The task of upgrading Adventure to Class F
Talk to NPC Kakaro at Prontera in the 12-hour direction. Meet NPC Steven Rhine at Izule Island in the 3-hour direction. Beat 10 Whisper at Ghost Ship. Later, returning to Izule to meet Steven reported having completed the task. Hit 100 Pirate Skeleton at Sunken Ship. Go back to Izule to meet Steven reported having completed the task. Hit 50 Skeleton at Ghost Ship. After that, returning to Izule to meet Steven reported having completed the task. Return to Prontera, meet Kakaro to report the completed mission and upgrade the Adventure to Class F.
3. The instructions on how to pretend to be dead (Play Dead)
To learn the skill Play Dead, you only need to talk to NPC Yalekoos at Prontera South Gate. For more details, you can follow the video in the post.
What is Combat Time?
Combat Time is the time to allow each character in “Ragnarok M: Eternal Love” to fight freely. By default, each character will have 300 minutes (equivalent to 5 hours) for Combat Time.
5. The guide for completing the unhappy tasks
The secret to completing these tasks is to choose the answer in a 1-3-1 order (when talking to Lulu cat).
6. The instructions for creating guilds in the Ragnarok M
You need to meet the three conditions below to create a guild.
– First, reach level 20.
– Second, there are 200,000 Zeny.
– Third, there is an Emperium.
Among the requirements for creating guilds, acquiring an Emperium is the most difficult one. Currenty, there are only two ways to own Emperium: buying in the Event Shop or hunting MVP monsters (boss).
Buy Emperium Ragnarok M
Talk to NPC Hokkala Kim Event Merchant at Prontera in the 6-hour direction and select Event Items. Emperium sells for 200,000 Zeny.
Hunt the boss Ragnarok M
Below is a list of three bosses capable of dropping Emperium in the current version of “Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.”
– First, Angeling (Level 25) – South Pontera Gate, Pontera.
– Second, Orc Hero (Level 80) – Orc Village, Geffen.
– Third, Baphomet (Level 100) – Glast Heim Hall.
To move quickly to the map with the boss, you can enter More and select MVP.
After that, select the boss to hunt and press the Go button. At this point, the system will automatically move your character to the map with the boss.
The instructions on how to create the guid Raganarok M
First, you need to move to Prontera South Gate. At Prontera South Gate, move to the 3-hour direction navigation port to move to Izlude Island.
After reaching Izlude Island, move the top corner towards the 12-hour direction to meet the NPC Valkyrie (Guild).
Select “Create a Guild” to create guilds.
Finally, name the guild then press the yellow button “Create a Guild” to finish.
The instructions for receiving gifts because you have already booked an appointment
Players who have already booked an appointment can receive gifts from the Admin of Official Events NPC Miu at Prontera South Gate inside Prontera.
The instructions on how to change the channels in Ragnarok M
Step 1. Move to Izlude Island. If you are in Prontera, move to the 6-hour direction teleport gate to Prontera South Gate. From Prontera South Gate, move to the 3-hour direction teleport gate to Izlude Island.
Step 2. Open the Izlude Island map. Move in 12-hour direction to meet the NPC Channel Teleporter.
Step 3. Talk to the NPC Channel Teleporter. At this point, he will explain channel switching.
Step 4. Talk to the Channel Teleporter again. Then, choose Change Line to switch the channel.
Step 5. Touch the Enter Line # button. Enter the number of the channel that you want to switch.
Step 6. Touch the Change Line button to complete the channel switching.
The first time to switch channels will be free and the next time will be charged.
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