If you are a mobile game enthusiast, then surely you have experienced many games, such as role-playing, fighting, fighting action. But I bet you’re still attracted to Rules of Survival, a survival-oriented action game in that you are trying to survive when everyone around you is a threatening murderer.
The most interesting parts of the Rules of Survival
-In this game, you will be one of 120 players parachuting into a vast deserted island. Through exciting and unique shooting scenes, your ultimate goal is intended to be the only survivor on the flaming battlefield.
-Inside the battlefield are abandoned buildings, houses containing items for you to collect, plunder, and destroy each other. Besides, you need to control the vehicles on the battlefield. The challenge for you is the different types of terrain that directly affect the speed and fuel consumption of your vehicle.
-Take advantage of the modern facilities. Strength of Rules of Survival lies in realistic graphics to every detail. For this reason, to play the game smoothly and stable, you just need a computer or phone with a mid-range configuration.
-If you are playing Rules of Survival, you can see that the game is updated quite quickly (one month can be brought up to date three times). The reason is not that it has many errors, but the game producer is continuously upgrading the user experience, eliminating the complicated stages, arranging buttons for players to manipulate easily, etc.
How to download and install the game
Although PUBG is too “excellent”, it is an asked in payment game. Therefore, it is easy to understand when the players rush to download Rules of Survival as an alternative solution. Especially, this game has three versions on PC, iOS, and Android to experience it on many platforms, which PUBG cannot do.
Instructions to download and install the Rules of Survival on Android and iOS
Rules of Survival is now available for mobiles, Android and iOS. To download it, you can choose the link at the top of this article corresponding to the operating system of the device that you are using.
Instructions for downloading and install the Rules of Survival on a PC
+ Download Rules of Survival for PC on the link above this article, then install as you install other games or software.
+ Because this game has a relatively large size so that on the computer with low configuration, the process of installing it will take a few minutes.
+ Start the game after installing. At this point, the Windows Security Alert interface will appear on the screen requesting the user to grant access to Rules Of Survival. You just need to click Allow Access.
+ Next, you will wait until the data download process is completed. After that, you will see the scanning QR code screen.
+ Open the Rules of Survival interface on your phone and click on PC Login to scan the QR code.
+ At the QR code-scanning screen, you move your phone into the code area of the Rules of Survival on the computer.
+ If the QR code scanning is successful, you will receive Scan Successfully notification on the computer screen.
+ With the Rules of Survival interface on the phone, click Confirm Login to affirm the access.
+ On the computer, the screen will appear with the table of terms, click on the blue box to agree. At this time, you can sign in and play with the Rules of Survival game on your PC right now.
Rules of Survival guides for newbies
1. Check the map at the beginning of the match
Make yourself a habit of viewing the map as soon as you get into the match for remembering the familiar locations. You need to click on the map and then it will automatically zoom in.
2. Don’t parachute too early
You should not jump out of the plane too soon, but you need to choose the right position to be more proactive. The farther you go, the fewer people will compete with you.
3. Observe other people are jumping off the aircraft
in Rule of Survival, can track the remaining people on the plane on the left side of the screen. At the same time, when you jump down, you will also see where the other people are flying and which location they will come into land. Therefore, you should observe carefully to select the appropriate position and have an effective way of handling immediately when landing.
4. Stay close to your friends in the first stage
In Rules of Survival, when you are close to your comrades, you can be protected if you don’t have the gun. Another benefit is when you meet someone who is running alone, you can attack him or her with your teammates.
5. Observe carefully when there are gunshots
Every time there is a gun sound, you need to see around carefully and do not panic. Sometimes, they just check the gun or shoot someone around.
6. Change to close fighting weapons
At the last moments of the match, you need to switch to hand-to-hand weapons because at this time, the distance between the players is very close.
I hope with the Rules of Survival playing strategies mentioned above, you could quickly achieve the extraordinary achievement
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