Zoosk - Social Dating App
Categories: Dating
Developer: Zoosk Inc.
Updated on: 2024-06-17

Discover love and meaningful connections with the Zoosk dating app. Featuring smart matchmaking technology and user-friendly features, Zoosk helps you connect with singles worldwide. With its dynamic interface and advanced search options, finding your perfect match has never been easier. Join Zoosk today and start your journey to love!

Zoosk, Inc.
Release Year
User Base
40M+ worldwide
Male/Female Ratio
Approximately 48% male and 52% female
Over 80 countries worldwide
  • 1-month: around $29.95 USD/month
  • 3-month: $59.95 USD
  • 6-month: $74.95 USD
App Store, Google Play Store

Zoosk stands as a prominent figure in the realm of online dating apps, tracing its roots back to its inception in 2007 by Shayan Zadeh and Alex Mehr in San Francisco, California, USA. Initially launched as a Facebook app, Zoosk quickly evolved into an independent platform, driven by the vision of its founders to facilitate connections through technology.

Zoosk dating app icon

The story behind Zoosk is one of friendship and innovation. Shayan Zadeh and Alex Mehr, close friends since their university days, shared a mutual interest in leveraging technology to bring people together. This shared passion fueled their journey to create Zoosk with the mission of making the quest for relationships easier and more enjoyable.

In today’s digital age, the desire to connect and meet new people is more prevalent than ever. However, navigating the landscape of relationships can still pose challenges for many. Zoosk emerges as a solution to this dilemma, offering a platform that is both user-friendly and secure, where individuals can connect and interact with ease.

The Standout Features of Zoosk

  • Smart Matchmaking System: Zoosk employs machine learning technology to analyze user behavior and suggest compatible profiles. This enhances the chances of connecting with individuals who share similar interests and personalities.
  • Carousel Feature: The Carousel feature allows users to swiftly browse through profiles with ease. By swiping left or right, users can like or pass on a profile, creating an engaging and convenient profile browsing experience.
  • SmartPick Feature: SmartPick automatically recommends compatible profiles based on a user’s previous interactions. This feature saves users time and effort in finding and connecting with potentially suitable matches.
  • User-Friendly Experience: Zoosk provides a user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to search, browse, and connect with other singles.
  • Modern Design Aesthetic: Zoosk boasts a modern and visually appealing design, creating an attractive online experience for users.

These features collectively contribute to making Zoosk a popular choice among individuals seeking meaningful connections in the online dating world.

How to Create a Profile on Zoosk

How to Create a Profile on Zoosk

1. Download the Zoosk App: Go to the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices). Search for “Zoosk” and download the app to your smartphone or tablet.

2. Open the Zoosk App: Once the app is downloaded and installed, tap on the Zoosk icon to open it.

3. Sign Up: On the app’s home screen, you’ll see an option to “Sign Up” or “Create an Account.” Tap on this option to begin the sign-up process.

4. Enter Basic Information: Zoosk will prompt you to enter basic information such as your name, email address, gender, date of birth, and location. Fill in these details accurately.

Create a Profile on Zoosk

5. Set Preferences: Next, specify your preferences regarding the gender and age range of the people you’re interested in. This will help Zoosk tailor your matches to your preferences.

6. Upload Photos: Zoosk will ask you to upload photos to your profile. Tap on the option to upload photos from your device’s gallery or camera. Choose clear, high-quality photos that showcase you in a positive light.

7. Write a Bio: Write a brief bio about yourself. This is your opportunity to share a little bit about your personality, interests, and what you’re looking for in a partner. Be honest and genuine in your description.

8. Complete Profile: Fill out any additional information requested by Zoosk to complete your profile. This may include details about your education, occupation, hobbies, and more.

Note: Zoosk may require you to verify your email address to complete the registration process. Check your email inbox for a verification link from Zoosk and follow the instructions to verify your account.

How to Search For Potential Matches

Zoosk review

  • Zoosk offers multiple ways to search for potential matches. You can use the “Search” feature to specify criteria such as age, location, and interests to filter your matches.
  • Additionally, you can utilize the “Carousel” feature to quickly browse through profiles and indicate your interest by swiping left or right.

Zoosk for Free To Premium

Zoosk offers a free basic membership that allows you to create a profile, browse profiles, and send likes. However, to access advanced features such as sending messages, viewing who has liked your profile, and accessing SmartPick recommendations, you’ll need to upgrade to a premium subscription.

To upgrade to a premium subscription on Zoosk:

  • Tap on your profile icon in the app to access your account settings.
  • Select the option to upgrade to a premium membership and choose the subscription plan that best suits your preferences.
  • Follow the prompts to enter your payment information and complete the subscription process.

Zoosk Review: Advantages

Zoosk Review Advantages

Quick Registration: Zoosk allows for swift sign-up using Facebook or Google accounts, requiring minimal basic information such as name, email, gender, and address.

Multiple Verification Methods: Zoosk offers various verification methods like photo verification, phone number verification, and social media account verification, enhancing profile credibility and reducing fake accounts.

Customizable Profile: Zoosk enables users to personalize their profiles with detailed information and personal stories, facilitating meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

Diverse Features: Zoosk provides features like SmartPick, Carousel, Dating Insights, Connections, Boost, and Super Send, aiding users in searching for and connecting with compatible matches.

User-Friendly App: Zoosk’s mobile app is designed with simplicity and ease of navigation, offering a convenient and mobile-optimized user experience.

Networking Capabilities: Zoosk creates a conducive environment for connecting with other singles through efficient features and tools.

Zoosk Review: Disadvantages


Paid Features: Some features on Zoosk require payment to use, which can be a barrier for those unwilling to pay to experience the full range of app features.

Difficulty in Making Connections: Despite Zoosk offering many features to search and connect with other users, some users may struggle to find and establish meaningful connections.

Advertisement: Users who do not subscribe to a paid account may encounter disruptive advertisements while using the app, diminishing the user experience.

Image Upload Requirement: While Zoosk allows registration without a profile picture, an unverified profile may be less appealing and face challenges in seeking connections.

Partial Paid Interface: Some features or functions within Zoosk still require users to pay for access, reducing the app’s attractiveness to those unwilling to spend.

Zoosk, Tinder, or Bumble?

Zooks and its alternative

User Rating
4.2/5 stars
4.0/5 stars
4.2/5 stars
User Base
  • 1-month: around $29.95 USD/month
  • 3-month: $59.95 USD
  • 6-month: $74.95 USD
  • Tinder Plus: $9.99/month
  • Tinder Gold: $29.99/month
  • Tinder Platinum: $39.99/month
  • Bumble Boost: $14.99/month
  • Bumble Premium: $32.99/month
  • Bumble Spotlight: $2.99/boost
Video Chat/Video Calls
Desktop App
Privacy Measures
User Control
Extensive control
Limited control over matches based on geographic proximity
Women have control over initiating conversations
Relationship Goals
From casual dating to long-term commitments
Associated with casual dating, but users vary in intentions
Offers options for seeking different types of relationships
Premium Features
Increase profile rating, access your viewed profiles, send unlimited messages
Available for additional perks like unlimited swipes
Advanced filters and rematch options

Overall, Zoosk truly stands out as an intriguing option for those looking to explore the world of online dating. With smart features like Carousel and SmartPick, Zoosk offers a youthful and approachable vibe, making it easy for users to connect with new people and explore potential relationships. While there are limitations such as the requirement for payment for certain features and occasional connectivity issues, Zoosk remains a worthwhile consideration for those seeking a creative and enjoyable online dating experience. The key question to ask is, “Does Zoosk align with your needs and preferences?” Ultimately, the final decision is yours to make!

Merry Taylor

Hello, I am Merry Taylor - a person who loves technology applications. I have been interested in dating apps for a long time because I find them magical when they can connect strangers with the same interests, the same religion or the same, not even the same country. I have delved deeper into the hottest and most popular dating apps today as well as discovered ways for you to easily enter a relationship, all of which I will share on this website. I hope my sharing will be useful to you. Thank you!

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