5 super cool tips for KartRider: Drift
KartRider: Drift is known as one of the fascinating racing games similar to Mario Kart. However, thanks to its cross-platform capabilities, players can easily experience this game with their friends on any platform.
One thing that sets KartRider: Drift beyond a speed battle is the complexity of the mechanics. In speed mode, players must know how to accelerate and drift if they want to compete with the best. Despite the high skills of the game, new players can also get used to and play well at any level if they know the basic tips.
If you are interested in this topic, the following article will tell you 5 tips for beginners to play KartRider: Drift.
#1. Complete your driver’s license
Although KartRider has a short tutorial at the start, if you want to understand everything about the game, it is recommended to complete 3 licenses: B2, B1, and L2. For each license type, there will be a small task file that instructs you on a specific skill and moves on to the next one, in which you must earn at least 1 star.
The final stage of the license is a duel against the AI, where players can deploy everything they’ve learned.
#2. Allow instructions
Players can allow tutorials by going into game settings and looking for options under the heading tutorials, which beginner players can activate some useful features when playing the game. By far the most useful of these are the two at the top, the Track Guidelines, and the Drift area. Overall the track instructions will be similar to the instructions in other racing games. It will highlight the fastest route a player can take.
Drift Zones highlight areas in the corners where a player should aim to start and finish their drift. Since every angle on each track could be different, this is a great tool to learn. The other three options Instant Boost Hints, Item Hints, and Landing Points can also be useful for new players, but enabling them all at once can make the screen too cluttered, so just consider before opening the whole thing.
#3. Learn all the items
The item mode in KartRider: Drift allows the player to drive through boxes to obtain a random item that can be used to stop an opponent from reaching the finish line and protect themselves from their opponent’s attack. Knowing exactly what each item does and how to use them is an easy way to gain an edge over other beginners.
By keeping in mind that UFOs target and slow the current racer in the first place, the player can decide to keep the top spot until the end.
#4. Practice races
Similar to other racing games, each track will have its own challenges and when players want to unlock more new maps after completing their license they will find that the difficulty of the game will increase. Getting familiar with each track is a great place to start, from where players can focus on learning more complex turns.
Players can also practice in Time Attack mode, where they can try to beat previous time records as they get better and better on each track.
#5. Understand the basics of Drift
Drift plays a larger role in Speed Mode, where the player cannot make up for the lack of speed by sabotaging opponents with items.
The only item available in Speed Mode is the Nitrous boost which can be obtained by filling up the Nitrous bar. Although this bar will fill up naturally, it will also help the Nitro bar to fill up faster. This makes drifting not only a great way to smoothly navigate corners, but also the best way to get more thrust and therefore go faster. Players should be careful with their drifts as any gain bars are likely to be lost if the player crashes before the end of the drift.
Apkafe has just presented 5 tips for beginners to play KartRider: Drift. Hopefully, this article will be useful to give players a relaxing experience with friends and relatives after stressful working and studying hours.
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