Guide and tips to playing Farming Simulator 20 for beginners
Farming Simulator 20 is an open-world farming simulation game, with the primary objective of cultivating and trading other crops and products to earn as much money as possible. Everyone will have a number of tools and equipment at their disposal. Each tool and crop type in the game possesses a specific purpose that gamers need to understand. If you are a newbie in this Farming Simulator 2 game, we’re here to help you!
The detailed guide to playing Farming Simulator 20
Device requirements
The game requires at least 35GB of space on a PC with 8GB of RAM and only works on computers running Windows 10 or later.
Start playing
At the start, the game will ask what mode people want to play in, from easy, medium to hard. These levels will also affect the starting amount and a number of other economic factors. The game has 3 maps in different countries.
After choosing the difficulty, everyone will create a character with choices of gender, outfit, physical attributes, and naming. Complete and enter the promising agricultural world.
Farming works
Players will be given a piece of land to start with. They should look around the buildings and equipment to see what they’ll be working with.
- Plow: The player needs to prepare the soil the first time he uses it. Before that, check the crop requirements to see if you should use a hand plow or a machine plow.
- Cultivate: After harvesting crops, the player needs to plow the soil to prepare for sowing. This is usually the first step, depending on whether plowing is necessary.
- Plant: When the seeder is attached to the tractor, people can choose the type of crop they want to plant.
- Fertilizate: If the yield is increased and the crop quality is improved, the player should fertilize with additional nutrients.
- Eliminate grass: Grass appears between crops, causing plants to grow poorly. If the plants are young, grass removers can be used, but if they are large, you have to use chemicals.
- Spread lime: After several harvests, the soil begins to degrade and conventional fertilizers are no longer effective. This is the time to spread lime on the soil for support.
- Harvest: Use a nearby trailer to transport crops when the harvester is full.
- Sell or store produce: Choose between selling products or storing them.
- Remove wilted crops: If harvested too late, the crop will wither, become unusable, and need tilling.
- Buy land: As soon as your business develops and finances are getting better, consider buying more land. You will be able to grow and harvest more crops.
- Raise more animals: There are quite a few types of animals to raise; like cows for meat and milk, sheep for meat and fur, and dogs for protecting the farm from thieves and wolves.
Players should also pay attention to the details and prices of different crops. In addition, try to collect straw after harvesting wheat and oats to feed some of your animals, along with looking for profit from mowing and baling hay.
Tips for playing Farming Simulator 20
Here are our collected tips and techniques to help you conquer Farming Simulator 20.
Use workers carefully
When cultivating land, the donor can choose a worker to do it for him. Such workers will be paid according to their work and activities. However, before hiring employees, see if you are still making a profit, if not, it is best to do the work yourself. Quick and easy tasks such as fertilizing and tending crops often cost more money and will not provide a worthy return on investment if outsourced.
Sell what you don’t need
Immediately after starting to play Farming Simulator 20, see what buildings and equipment on your land are not in use. Gamers can earn extra money by selling them, this money is used for vehicles and efficiency improvements. When income starts to stabilize, consider selling your old tractor to buy better new ones.
Accept contracts
People will notice on the dashboard there is a tab for contracts. Please accept the contract and complete the task as quickly as possible. Everyone should start their day by focusing on their own land first. Then spend the rest of the time on contracts. It’s a great way to maximize profits.
Check the market before selling
Before deciding to sell something, consider the market for your crop and livestock products. It will be more beneficial for players to find out which stores pay the most for the product at that time. Remember that rates change based on demand, so always make sure to come back to see current buying prices.
Cut down some trees
If you have trees on your land, cut them down for wood and sell them. The player will need some forestry equipment purchased later in the game. At first, consider spending time chopping them to size with a chainsaw and placing it in the back of the trailer.
Watch the weather
Weather and climate change over time, so it will have a big impact on the crops, as well as the time when agricultural products can be harvested. Make sure you have everything ready in case of snow when winter comes.
Use mods
Mod developers love to produce new content for Farming Simulator games. People will easily access them in the game itself without spending time installing it separately. See what features you want to add to your farm and choose the right mod.
Multiplayer mode
No matter what platform people are playing Farming Simulator 20 on, they can join online with their friends. Gamers have the right to choose to compete to win the most income and land. In addition, all can join forces and manage farms together. All players need to do is connect with their friends or join a server to play with others.
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