Rooting an Android device: A beginner’s guide

So you’ve probably heard of it. But it’s also a word that you didn’t dare venture into. If you search for something about Android on Google or go to an online forum about Android, then there are chances that you see the word rooting. But what is rooting? What are its benefits, how can it help your phone, and after all should you do it? In this article, I’ll help you understand the basic meaning of rooting, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what can you do on a rooted device.


First, what the heck is rooting then?

Right from the start, Android was meant to give users freedom – the power of choice. Just take a look at the iOS world, users can’t even install an app that isn’t from Apple store from their iPhone. And rooting is the process that makes a powerful phone even more powerful. In basics, every Android device runs a Linux kernel, which is similar to a Linux distro you have on a PC, rooting gains you complete access to everything in the operating system, allowing you to edit literally anything, including tweaking and customizing your phone in your own way. It’s like you take your phone to a whole new level of functionalities and customizations. But this process has its risks to, it may completely break your phone, and there’ll be no way you can continue using it. It also voids your warranty.

First, what the heck is rooting then-Rooting an Android device: A beginner’s guide

So, should I root my phone?

Yes, and no, and maybe. It depends on what do you want. If all you need is a phone to connect with friends and entertain yourself in free time and using some useful apps to help your work, then an unrooted device is enough for you. But if you want to have a complete control of everything in your phone, enjoy features that you had never been even thinking of using, then let’s allow your phone to live up to its full potential, after all, you paid for it, right? But you also don’t want to jump right into it and lose everything when something goes wrong, then take some preparation steps before start rooting your phone.

What preparations do I need to root my phone safely?

What preparations do I need to root my phone safely-Rooting an Android device: A beginner’s guide

To ensure that your phone won’t break, you’ll need to charge it. Make sure that your battery level is at least 75% or above. You’ll also need to make a complete backup of your data, including contacts, chats, email lists, documents, pictures, and everything else you consider important. After that, let’s go on to the awesome part: how to root your device.

What’s the best way to root an Android device?

Indeed, there are many ways you can root an Android device. But through my in-depth personal research, I found an app that helps you do it easily with just one click – Kingroot. Kingroot is a root tool for, you got it, lazy people. With this app, you don’t need to flash a third party recovery into your phone, and you also don’t need to connect your phone to a computer either. What you need to do is just download the Kingroot apk file and install it right on your phone. This installation is blocked by default by the operating system. But don’t worry, just go to “Settings” >> “Security” >> “Unknown sources” and then tap the “OK” button. After installing Kingroot, open the application and select “One click root”. All the process is automatic; the application will read your ROM information, find the most suitable root strategy from the cloud, and automatically deploy it. The full process takes a few seconds to complete, that’s when you see the “Your device is successfully rooted” notification.

Now what?

Now, it’s the most impressive part. You can now start to remove all the crap stuff your manufacturer had put into your lovely phone, including bloatware, apps that you’ll never use, and apps that are such in every single aspect. And from now on, you can install apps that you have always wanted to use, tweak your phone the way you want, customize it to suit your taste, and more. Listed below is my recommendation of best apps for a rooted phone. All of which will ask for “Root permission” on their first run, you’ll have to allow that in the Kingroot’ popup.


Ad-blocking, I can’t imagine how you can live your life on a day to day basis without it. Nowadays every website and every app show you ugly popups promoting irrelevant stuff, not to mention every apps and site also install analytics system that tracks every step you walk. That not only violate your privacy rights, increase your bandwidth usage, reduce your battery life, reduce your phone’s performance, and slow down your web browsing experience but also bring you frustrations when you have to manually close all popups to continue to use website and apps. Adway is a free, open-source adblocker that block ads and trackers by using host files. In short, a host file contains a list of domains that your phone won’t send requests to. You can use some built-in filters or add your own filters. With this apps, you’ll no longer see ad banners or get tracked while surfing the web.

Root Browser

Do you remember it? With the default file manager, you can only browse some “allowed” directory in your phone; some are inaccessible, some are hidden and you don’t even have a chance to see them. When your phone is nearly out of storage, you want to find out what is currently taking up so much space to clean it up, then you just simply can’t. Root Browser is an amazing file manager that allows you to explore every folder and file on your device. With this app, you can find and edit all files, including protected system files.  But be careful using this app, at least you should know what are you doing.

System App Remover

This one’s cool. It simply allows you to uninstall any pre-installed app. If you don’t want to use the default music player, just use System App Remover to get rid of it. Do the same thing with the stupid health monitor app that your manufacturer had installed on your phone and find yourself a better one. You can even remove your default launcher to replace it with another more beautiful launcher. Cool, right?


So, that what you need to know about rooting an Android phone. I hope you’ve found this article helpful.

Now you: do you root your phone, if so, is there any suggestion that I forgot? Let’s me know in the comment section below!

Giá Brendan

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