How to save Snapchat videos and pictures – The most detailed guide 2019
Snapchat is now a trendy and cool way to communicate with friends by using photos and videos, but sometimes how to save a Snap video or picture and to get back Snapstreak points confuses users. would like to introduce some tips for new users of this application.
How to save pictures on Snapchat?
Saving a snap is easy, and there are many different ways to do it. The easiest way is to click on the download button before sending it to your friends. This download button is right on the lower-left corner of the screen after taking photos or videos and before you share them.
For those who forget to click on this icon before sending, they can go to My Story, then click the Menu icon on the right, select the snap you want to open and click the Download button on the bottom right corner of the screen. Once this snap is opened, there are two more ways to save it. Users can click the Menu icon on the upper right corner of the screen and click the Download button on the lower-left corner of the screen. Another way is to swipe up the opening snap and click the Download button on the right corner of the screen.
Users can save their entire Story by going to My Story and clicking on the Download icon on the top.
What is Snapstreak?
Snapstreak is a way for users to know how long they have interacted with friends via Snapchat. Emojis are displayed next to a friend’s name when you and your friend send each other 1 Snapchat within 24 hours in 3 consecutive days. The emoji icon and the number next to the friend’s name on Snapchat will show the number of days the user has sent and received the snap. Snapstreak works only with snaps, not when the user simply chat. To maintain a Snapstreak, users will have to send snap within 24 hours. Those who miss the time frame will see an hourglass icon next to their friend’s name, indicating that the Snapstreak between them is running out of time.
How to retrieve Snapstreak on Snapchat
In case a Snapstreak is accidentally lost, users need to fill out a form on the Snapchat page. Users can find this form at Contact Us and click on “My Snapstreaks disappear.” A message will be displayed for the tutorial about this feature. Users access the “Still Need Help” option and click on “Yes.”
This form is simple. There are only questions such as user name, email address, phone number, and phone type to which this application is installed. Users will also have to answer some required information about Snapstreak. Snap users will also have to specify their friend’s name when Snapstreak is lost if they see an hourglass icon and other information. After completing this form, users can click on the submit button and wait for Snapchat to respond. It takes about 24 hours for Snapchat to answer you.
Users also need to know that the snapshots attached to Memories and the Spectacles to other Snapchat users are not valid for Snapstreak. This feature also does not work with group chat.
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