Stardew valley who to marry
Building friendships & finding partners is one of Stardew Valley‘s long-term goals that have the best reward. You can only have a husband or wife at some time, but gaining the heart of friendship from all villagers will offer you other benefits.
The Stardew Valley marriage & friendship guide below focuses on single males and females ready to marry. Whatever your character’s gender is, all of them are brilliant candidates. But once you get married, they all act like ordinary villagers.
First, we will learn basic information about friendship and marriage in Stardew Valley; then, we will go into details of each character as well as the best way to build relationships with them.
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How to build friendship and get married in Stardew Valley
+ Friendship and marriage in Stardew Valley
• How to increase friendship
• How to end a friendship
• Best gifts
• How to get married
• Divorce
+ Guide to building friendships with each character in Stardew Valley
• Abigail
• Alex
• Elliott
• Emily
• Haley
• Harvey
• Leah
• Maru
• Penny
• Sam
• Sebastian
• Shane
Friendship and Marriage in Stardew Valley
Menu of friendship heart index in Stardew Valley
Friendship in Stardew Valley is measured through the heart. The villagers usually have a maximum of 10 hearts. When marrying, they will increase to 12. You can see the full list of hearts on the menu, as shown above.
How to increase friendship.
• Talk to the villagers every day.
• Give gifts they like twice a week.
• Help them complete missions.
• Select correctly in heart donation events.
• Dance or interact with them at the festivals.
How to end a friendship
• No longer talking to them.
• Give them a gift they don’t like.
• Slingshot at them.
• Find their trash when they are nearby.
Best gifts
Gift-giving is one of the best ways to improve friendship with the Stardew Valley villagers. Just drag the object they like and drop it above them. You can do this once a day and twice a week.
However, there is an exception in this rule: Birthdays. You can always give gifts to the villagers on their birthdays. You should do so because it has a more positive impact and a particularly intimate conversation. The gifts in Feast of the Winter Star also award friendship ratings.
Some gifts provide valuable rewards when you give it to the villagers
• Fruits.
• Maple syrup.
• Longevity medicine.
• Crafts beside cooking oil and Void Mayonnaise.
• Delicious food with fried eggs, bread, and unique dumplings.
• Flowers are better than Poppy.
• Gems and minerals are better than quartz.
• Green vegetables are more valuable than wheat & hops.
How to marry.
Heart events are special for every villager. They are unlocked at certain thresholds, usually 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 hearts.
After two heart events, you can go to the bedroom of that villager to chat more easily every day. You cannot raise more than 8 hearts with any partner candidate without giving them flowers. You can get it from Pierre’s department store for 200 gold.
After unlocking all 10 hearts, you can win them in the usual way. Note: you can make an appointment with anyone or all villagers at the same time. If you do so, there will surely be consequences, but they only last for one week and do not prevent you from marrying another. However, do not act like that in real life.
When you own 10 hearts and want to propose, you need to give them a mermaid’s necklace. You can buy it from Old Mariner on the other side of the broken bridge on the beach for 5000 gold. You will get married within 3 days after giving it to your partner. Other candidates will return to ordinary residents.
How to divorce
If for some reason, you are unhappy with your chosen partner, Stardew Valley supports divorce and selects another partner.
However, be careful because this action puts the heart’s index at zero, and the unpleasant conversations about the marriage will also take place.
To divorce, you need to interact with the book inside City Hall and spend 50,000 gold. If you don’t cancel the divorce certificate at the end of the day, your wife & all their possessions will disappear from your home the next day. However, you can keep the children if you want.
The ex-lover will then be labeled on the menu and refuse any future gifts from you. However, when unlocking the witch’s hut, you can erase the memory of your ex-spouse for 30,000 gold. And for the next time you meet, you & they will be like newcomers.
Guide to building friendships with each character in Stardew
Abigail in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Fall 13
Abigail with purple hair is the daughter of Pierre & Caroline.
She has strange hobbies such as wandering in the cemetery to find frogs.
Where to find Abigail
Abigail lives with her family behind Pierre’s department store. On sunny days, you can find her at the bridge on the East side of her father’s store.
Best gifts for Abigail
• Amethyst.
• Raspberries cake.
• Chocolate cake
• Yellow pumpkin
• Pearl
• Rainbow stones
• Pumpkin
• Pufferfish
• Rabbit’s feet
• Spicy eel
Alex in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Summer 13
Alex in Stardew Valley likes sports and dreams of becoming a professional athlete. He spends a lot of time working in a spa or beachfront pub and always having a luxury breakfast. You will know about his complicated family history in heart events.
Where to find Alex
Alex lives in a house in Southeast of Pierre’s department store with his grandparents, George and Evelyn. You can find him at the ice cream counter in the summer or at the spa in the winter.
Best gifts for Alex
• Complete breakfast
• Yellow pumpkin
• Pearl
• Rainbow ores
• Rabbit’s feet
• Salmon dinner
Elliot in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Fall 5
Elliott is a writer living alone at sea. He loves the romance and dreamy literary language.
Where to find Elliot
Elliott lives in a small cabin at sea. You’ll see him walking from home to Pierre’s department store or pondering about the latest novel in front of Leah’s house.
Best gifts for Elliott
• Crab cakes
• Duck feathers
• Yellow pumpkin
• Lobster
• Pearl
• Pomegranate
• Rainbow stones
• Rabbit’s feet
• Tom Kha Soup
Emily in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Spring 27
This blue-haired girl is Haley’s sister. She works at Stardrop Saloon, but her true passion is to design costumes, gems, and meditation.
Where to find Emily
Emily lives with her sister Haley at 2 Willow Lane in a house with the sunny porch in the Southwest of Pelican city square. Almost every day, she works at Stardrop Saloon after 4 pm.
Best gift for Emily
• Amethyst
• Aquamarine
• Clothes
• Emerald
• Yellow pumpkin
• Jade
• Pearl
• Rainbow stones
• Rabbit’s feet
• Ruby
• Survival Burger
• Topaz
• Wool
Haley in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Spring 14
Haley is a charming sister living with Emily in a house with the sunny porch at No. 2 Willow. You can always find her at the stream near Community Center or see her take pictures by the river in the East of Marnie’s ranch. In the summer, she likes to go for a walk with her friend Alex at the ice cream shop near the museum.
Best gifts for Haley
• Coconut
• Fruit salad
• Yellow pumpkin
• Pearl
• Pink cake
• Rabbit’s feet
• SunFlower
Harvey in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Winter 14
Harvey in Stardew Valley is the doctor in town. He spends most of the time for work, periodic health checks for the villagers.
Where to find Harvey
You can always find Harvey in the town’s Clinic. He always lives there. If not at the Clinic, you will see Harvey walking around the town.
Best gifts for Harvey
• Coffee
• Yellow pumpkin
• Pearl
• Pickles
• Rainbow stones
• Rabbit’s feet
• Premium meals
• Mushroom oil
• Alcohol
Leah in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Winter 23
Leah in Stardew Valley is an ambitious artist who is new to the Pelican town. She devotes all her time to sculpting and walking around the forest near her home.
Where to find Leah
Leah lives in a small cottage on the East side of Marine’s ranch. In the morning, she sculpts at home and goes to Pierre’s department store, and the beach or strolls around the forest near her home.
Best gift for Leah
• Goat cheese
• Yellow pumpkin
• Pearl
• Crispy pies
• Rainbow stones
• Rabbit’s feet
• Salad
• Stir-fried vegetable
• Truffles
• Mixed vegetable
• Alcohol
Maru in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Summer 10
Maru is the daughter of the carpenters, Robin & Demetrius. She likes tinkering with machines and doing experiments with her scholarly father. Maru works part-time at the town’s Clinic.
Where to find Maru
Maru lives with her parents in the mountain located in the Northern of Pelican town. When not in the home lab, she likes to sit on a city bench near Saloon or Community Center. Maru works at Harvey’s Clinic on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Best gifts for Maru
• Battery pack
• Cauliflower
• Cauliflower cheese
• Diamond
• Gold bar
• Yellow pumpkin
• Iridium ores
• Mining tools
• Pearl
• Pepper
• Rainbow stones
• Rabbit’s feet
• Rhubarb cake
• Strawberry
Penny in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Fall 2
Penny is Pam’s quiet & humble daughter. She is very close to Sam and spends most of her time teaching Jas and Vincent at the museum.
Where to find Penny
Penny lives with her mother in a mobile home near the river. She teaches Jas and Vincent at the museum on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, even during summer vacations. You can easily find Penny reading books near the cemetery or sitting on a bench in the town.
Best gifts for Penny
• Diamond
• Emerald
• Yellow pumpkin
• Melon
• Pearl
• Poppy
• Muffin cake with poppy seeds
• Rainbow stones
• Red plate
• Roots Platter
• Sandfish
• Tom Kha Soup
Birthday: Summer 17
Sam in Stardew Valley is a young man who loves music. His room is filled with musical instruments. Sam hopes to create a band with his friend Sebastian.
Where to find Sam
Sam lives with his mother Jodi and younger brother Vincent at 1 Willow Lane. It is a green house located to the Southwest of Pelican Square. He works part-time at JojaMart on Mondays and Wednesdays. Sam usually spends his morning playing music in the bedroom.
Best gift for Sam
• Cactus
• Yellow pumpkin
• Maple bar
• Pearl
• Pizza
• Rainbow stones
• Rabbit’s feet
• Tigerseye
Sebastian in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Winter 10
Sebastian lives alone in the basement of his parents’ house in the mountains. Most of the time he is all alone on the computer, but occasionally goes for a walk outside or plays billiards with Sam and Abigail.
Where to find Sebastian
Sebastian lives with Robin and Demetrius in the carpentry workshop in the North of town. He hardly left the room until it is dark. At this time, Sebastian is just walking around the town or smoking near his home.
Best gifts for Sebastian
• Frozen tears
• Yellow pumpkin
• Obsidian
• Rainbow stones
• Pumpkin soup
• Rabbit’s feet
• Sashimi
• Void Egg
Shane in Stardew Valley
Birthday: Spring 20
Shane is Marnie’s grandson with depression and alcoholism. Shane has no friends in town but loves chickens.
Where to find Shane
Shane lives with Aunt Marnie on the ranch. He spends the whole day working at JojoMart, then going to Stardrop Saloon after work.
Best gifts for Shane
• Beer
• Yellow pumpkin
• Hot pepper
• Pearl
• Pepper cake
• Pizza
• Rainbow stones
• Rabbit’s feet
Above are the top characters in Stardew Valley and the guide to building friendship and marriage. Hopefully, the article will help you find it more fun to play Stardew Valley.
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